ARE YOU CONCERNED about your adolescent?

Adolescence is a time of great change and increased expectations. Sometimes parents/caregivers begin to be concerned about their adolescent’s development at this point. Parents/caregivers may also become concerned about their adolescent’s behaviour and emotional well-being. Concerns that may arise include:

Difficulties with academic learning:

  • Academic achievement
  • Paying attention and focussing
  • Planning and organizational skills that consistently get in the way of completing age-appropriate tasks
  • Avoiding/skipping school
  • Excessively negative about school and/or their own abilities

Difficulties with Social Interactions and Life skills:

  • Eye contact
  • Reading social cues
  • Making/keeping friends.
  • Social withdrawal
  • More difficulty with learning independence skills than peers
  • Skills to transition to adult living

Difficulties with Emotional Well-Being:

  • Worrying that gets in the way of doing everyday tasks and activities
  • Overly concerned that things be orderly or done “perfectly”
  • Fixating on certain topics or routines; repetitive behaviour
  • Poor sleeping
  • Significant changes in energy level, eating or sleeping patterns
  • Social withdrawal (from friends and family)
  • Excessive emotional reactivity and a persistent pattern of sudden, unpredictable changes in mood
  • Complaining about physical health when nothing is wrong
  • Appearing sad, unmotivated, and losing interest in previous activities
  • Frequent negative comments about himself/herself
  • Aggressive, appearing overly angry
  • Substance abuse
  • Engaging in self-injurious behaviour
  • Repeatedly putting himself/herself in unsafe situations.
  • Poor judgement and difficulty learning from consequences
  • Impulsive and frequently doing things “without thinking”
  • Persistent difficulty with telling the truth
  • Seeing or hearing things that others do not
  • Overly suspicious of others

If you are concerned:

Talk to your family doctor or pediatrician. Talk to your child’s teachers, school support staff and/or school counselor.

Meeting with a professional to discuss your concerns may provide clarity on the issues and next steps for assessment and/or intervention.

Contact our clinic, as we would be happy to provide consultation and assessment as needed.